Category Archives: Newsletter

The Society publishes an 8-12 page Newsletter 3 times a year. It contains book and museum reviews, details of new publications, details of work in progress, requests for information, updates on what AFHS members are doing, current news and a calendar of national and international conferences. All members of the AFHS are invited to submit articles. Contributions can be sent to

This page only shows the newsletters of the present year, older newsletters can be found in the newsletter archives section (dropdown menu under Newsletter)

AFHS Newsletter No. 91, April, 2024

Our first issue for 2024 starts in New Zealand with a story of what the British Empire in the 1930s could learn from Japan about forest management, and then moves to Australia with a series of articles that reflect a small slice of the diversity that constitutes forest history. One piece notes the commendation received in February by AFHS member Peter Evans at the Victorian Community History Awards for his 2023 book “Wooden Rails & Green Gold”.

AFHS Newsletter No. 90, December, 2023

The Australian Forestry School in Canberra is the subject of the lead article in the December 2023 newsletter, in particular the unveiling of a plaque in front of a crowd that included a number of former graduates. We also have an article on the Toolangi Forest Discovery Centre in Victoria, and one on log branding hammers. There are also articles reporting on the recent deaths of three of our members.

AFHS Newsletter No 89, August, 2023

This month’s newsletter features an extract from Libby Robin’s new book What Birdo is That? In light of the recent decision by the Victorian government to end native forest logging by the end of 2023, past President John Dargavel has challenged members to consider what it means for Australian forest history when an era ends. There are also the speaking notes of Associate Professor Ruth Morgan for the launch of John Dargavel’s new book Anthropocene Days. Plus, there are many other wonderful stories and several short book reviews.

AFHS Newsletter No. 88, April, 2023

Congratulations to Peter Evans on compiling this issue of the AFHS newsletter, and thank the contributors – including Peter – who have provided the articles. The scope of this issue emphasises the diversity of subjects that can be classified as “forest history”. As always, the newsletter covers a wide array of topics. There is a standing invitation for members to write for the newsletter, long or short, on any subject that catches your interest. 

Our founding president, John Dargavel, has written yet another book, Anthropocene Days (see p16). This is at least the thirtieth book that he has written, co-written, edited or co-edited.

Peter Evans has another three works in progress to add to the dozens listed on his website. While Peter is often associated with forest and railway history, his interests are broader than that, and his published work includes a 2017 book titled Sunbury: Australia’s Greatest Rock Festival

AFHS Newsletter No. 87, December, 2022

This issue covers a wide range of interests of our contributors, and reflects the diversity that comes under the heading of “forest history”. There are two feature articles. The first, from Peter McHugh, is our cover story on the old Frankston State Pine Plantation located in what is now suburban Melbourne. The second feature article is by Michael Roche who takes us to New Zealand for his second instalment about the Diggers Sawmill Company.

AFHS Newsletter No. 85, April, 2022

This issue of the newsletter features a wide variety of materials displaying the diversity of the AFHS. The title article takes us to New Zealand and is followed by a piece about concerns about the redevelopment of the Australian Forestry School site in Canberra, an article on forestry in WW2 (our contribution to Anzac Day), a digression to the south Pacific, Robert Onfray’s always entertaining blogs, and John Dargavel’s short article on Ukrainian foresters. Enjoy reading!